January Favorites

I thought it'd be nice to keep track of the things that I've read, watched, listened to, bought, and loved each month – the things that I can't stop thinking about and recommending to friends – in a new column. It's nice to look back and remember what I was into each month, since this world moves so fast and we evolve even faster with it.

So, for January, here's what I loved:

1. Daring Greatly, by Brené Brown
2. Oprah's Golden Globe speech. (I made this above artwork inspired by it, you may get the print in my shop – I'm donating 50% of the proceeds to the TimesUp Legal Defense Fund).
3. And of course, Oprah's Super Soul Conversations podcast, especially the episodes with Brené Brown, Shawn Achor, Shonda Rhimes, and RuPaul.
4. Body Love, by Kelly Leveque
5. Ingrid Goes West 
6. The Post
7. Testing out this Watermelon Glow Sleep Mask from Glow Recipe.
8. Yoga with Adriene! I love this 5 minute morning video for when I just gotta get going.
9. These high-waisted Madewell jeans changed my life.

What are some things you discovered and loved in January?